5 Tactics To Boost Your In-house Training
Improve Your In house Training
In-house training can be tedious, especially if it is full of the same old routine. Much like any other learning, the information presented will most likely retained far better if your in house training provides an engaging means of presenting and learning the information. Here are five great tactics to help improve and invigorate your in house training.
In-house Training: 5 Tactics
#1: Virtual Simulations
Simulations allow for a hands-on, computer based approach to applying skills that an employee has just learned in training. By using a business eLearning program, employees will encounter environments with the same obstacles, challenges, and characteristics as the ones they would face in the office. This also allows for your training to be more personalized and easier for you to track progress. As your employees move their simulation, they will face situations in a stress-free zone with the ability to learn from their mistakes. Additionally, it aids a technological facet to their toolbelt and to your training, which can help aid in improving a variety of skills.
#2: Use a Mentoring Program
Find employees who are well-versed in the skill or skill(s) you would like to help improve within your selected group of employees and ask them to be mentors to the aforementioned employees. This will allow employees to develop a strong interpersonal bond with one another as well as help improve on the skill with the help of personal attention from their mentor.
#3: Theme Based Learning
Another computer and virtually based method of in house training, theme based learning offers a more general tutelage and can be a helpful aid to an instructor talking. Theme based learning creates a theme based on common ideas and/or subject areas the can work across multiple contexts. They help retain the information presented and can also help with familiarity with technology. Theme based learning takes information and places it in the context of a particular theme such as a house and each room may represent a particular item or skill that is foundational to your business. The students can then focus on the rooms that they feel they need to improve on the most.
#4: Group Discussions
Group discussions allow for great collaboration amongst employees. Simply pose a question or topic and allow them to run freely within the discussion. Those who are more experienced with the subject area then have the opportunity to enlighten those who may not be as well-versed. Additionally, this is a very handy tool for discussing problem solving situations and other situational topics that pose a, “What would you do?” kind of question to your trainees.
#5: Roleplaying
While virtual simulations offer the ability to become familiar with technology and be absorbed into a stress-free situation to learn from, role play can offer the same benefits from within the room. This method of in house training allows for greater human interactions amongst the employees being trained and also promotes greater discussion, thus offering a great tactic to help not only educate but build your team as well.
More In house Training Courses
If you feel inspired to improve your in house training, we have a Complete Guide to In-house Training for Training Managers.
Alternatively, you may wish to work alongside an external training company who can deliver in house training courses on your behalf.