Modular Management Training

Carl DunckerManagement Training Leave a Comment

Management Training Courses and Blended Learning

People do not buy products – they buy solutions to problems. So the old saying goes. Training is no different as I discovered this week.

Eager to find a management training solution for his restaurant business, we have been helping a client find a training solution to his management problem. Although we advertise a variety of management courses we are, of course, flexible to customer demand. And it really is the customer where we should start. Offering a training course can only ever be a reflection of what we believe to be a customer need but nothing more.

Management Team Modules

image for modular management training

management training

So, our client had the following training needs for his team:

– team building

– how to motivate employees

– performance management

– how to delegate effectively

As it stood, our standard management training courses covered these management and leadership disciplines but not in the way we have packaged them. The great benefit of being a smaller organisation is that one can respond flexibly and quickly to customer requirements.

Modularised Management Training Courses

What we offered was to modularise the management modules and construct new bespoke training days just for her. The cost to ourselves as a training provider is there but small whilst the benefit to the training client is far greater. So the team of new and existing managers receive the training they need, at a price they are willing to invest in, whilst we have the opportunity to nurture their skills.

If you think about this, delivering training is no more than a series of micro-modules where we construct a period of time with these modules. Whether it be delivering models, theory, interventions, case studies, role plays or video examples, a training day is simply a series of these micro-modules. And we try to order those decisions to deliver the most effective management training day we can.

Nobody can get it 100% correct – there are multiple learners in the room for a start – but we hope to strike the right balance between those learners training needs and the clients training budget. I like to think we get that balance right.

by Carl Duncker

Train in a Day deliver management training courses and leadership development programs. Call to discuss how we can modularise your training day.

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